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Elana Blinder

Welcome! I'm a design thinker, educational researcher, instructional designer, passionate writer, former elementary and preschool teacher, world traveler, sushi eater, and lover of joy-filled playful learning experiences. I enjoy open exploration, embracing ambiguity, and opportunities to flex my creative muscles, but I also derive great pleasure from breaking down complex concepts and systems into tiny little boxes.


The video above is from a project a friend and I did for a Creative Computing class at NYU Tisch. We hooked-up a mic sensor to a plastic bubble wand in Arduino, and used p5.js to prototype a fun enhancement for online meetings. I cannot take much credit for the code that finally got this thing up and running (thank you Erica Jones for your beautiful particle system, whatever that is...), but my my ongoing struggle and frustration during the course assisted me in better understanding and respecting the occasional bewilderment of some of my former students. My sense of self-efficacy may have faltered, but the pay-off of being able to kick back and blow a few virtual bubbles upon the conclusion of the course was pretty satisfying, as my great big smile suggests!

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